Basic Policy on Compliance

Renewable Japan strives to fulfill our social responsibilities with high ethical standards while complying with relevant laws and regulations, international rules and their spirit based on the following principles, both inside and outside Japan.

  1. 1
    Sustainable economic growth and resolution of social issues
    We are aware that we are a business operator that will lead the way in solving environmental problems, including climate change, and act proactively to realize a sustainable society.
  2. 2
    Environmental initiatives
    We, as a company with a board of auditors, will ensure compliance with laws in the execution of duties by board directors under an organizational structure with the supervision of the board of directors and the auditing of the board of auditors.
  3. 3
    Fair business practices
    We engage in fair and free competition, appropriate transactions, and responsible procurement. We also maintain sound relationships with politics and administration.
  4. 4
    Information disclosure and constructive dialogue with stakeholders
    We disclose corporate information in a positive, effective and fair manner and engage in constructive dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders to enhance corporate value.
  5. 5
    Respect for human rights
    We promote management that respects the human rights of all people.
  6. 6
    Crisis management
    We manage crisis in a systematic way and prepare for incidents such as actions of antisocial forces, terrorism, cyber-attacks, natural disasters, etc. that threaten the lives of citizens and corporate activities.
  7. 7
    Work style reform and workplace environment enhancement
    We enhance the abilities of our employees and realize a work style that respects diversity, personality, and individuality. We also create a comfortable workplace environment with health and safety in mind.